Mawk's Heroes and Villains Guides

iOn's Heroes and Villains Damage Chart

Class (Listed By Tier Placement) Standard Control's-Left Click Standard Control's-Left Click Twice Standard Control's-Left Click Thrice Standard Control's-Left Click and S key Standard Control's Left-Click While Airborne Standard Control's Left-Click, W, And Shift Key Or After Double Tapping W Key
Class' Name - Health' Damage | Push (Amount Of Physical Force) Damage | Push Damage | Push Damage | Push Damage | Push Damage | Push
Character Standard 1 Standard 2 Standard 3 Backslash Aerial Dash
General Grievous


200 | 3.0 + (2 Simultaneous Hits ?) 200 | 3.0 (2 Simultaneous Hits ?) 200 | 3.0 (2 Simultaneous Hits **) 150 | 8.0 ? + (2 Simultaneous Hits**) 150 | 8.0 ? N/A **** 800 | 4.0

150 | 5.0 +
150 | 5.0 +
150 | 5.0 +
150 | 5.0 +
150 | 5.0 ?
150 | 5.0 ‡ +
150 | 5.0 ‡ +
(2 Simultaneous Hits **) 250 | 3.0 ‡

Aayla Secura


400 | 3.0 + (2 Simultaneous Hits **) 300 | 3.0 300 | 3.0 + (2 Simultaneous Hits **) 300 | 3.0 600 | 3.0 + (2 Simultaneous Hits **) 600 | 3.0 (2 Simultaneous Hits ?) 300/200 | 4.0 + 300 | 4.0 800 | 4.0

500 | 4.0 +
500 | 4.0 +
500 | 4.0 +
500 | 4.0 +
500 | 4.0 +
300 | 4.0

Darth Maul


(2 Simultaneous Hits ?) 150 | 3.0 (2 Simultaneous Hits ?) 200 | 3.0

(2 Simultaneous Hits **) 200 | 3.0 +
50 | 10.0 +
200 | 10.0 +
200 | 10.0 t

(2 Simultaneous Hits ?) 400 | 6.0 (2 Simultaneous Hits **) 400 | 5.0 (2 Simultaneous Hits **) 400 | 5.0
Darth Vader


300 | 3.0 300 | 3.0 600 | 5.0 (2 Hits) 300 | 6.0 800 | 10.0 ? 800 | 14.0
Anakin Skywalker/Obi Wan Kenobi ?


300 | 3.0 300 | 3.0 600 | 5.0 (2 Hits) 300 | 6.0 800 | 10.0 ? 800 | 14.0
Ki Adi Mundi


300 | 3.0 300 | 3.0

600 | 5.0 +
600 | 5.0 +
600 | 5.0

(2 Hits) 400 | 6.0

800 | 4.0 +
800 | 4.0

600 | 5.0 ? +
600 | 5.0

Luke Skywalker


300 | 3.0 300 | 3.0

600 | 5.0 +
600 | 5.0 +
600 | 5.0

(2 Hits) 400 | 6.0 800 | 4.0

400 | 3.0 +
400 | 3.0 ?
500 | 5.0 +
500 | 5.0

Mace Windu


300 | 3.0 300 | 3.0

600 | 5.0 +
600 | 5.0 +
600 | 5.0

(2 Hits) 400 | 6.0

1200 | N/A ? +
400 | N/A ***

400 | 3.0 +
400 | 5.0 †

Count Dooku


300 | 3.0 300 | 3.0

600 | 8.0 +
600 | 8.0 +
600 | 8.0

(2 Hits) 300 | 6.0 800 | 10.0 ?

400 | 8.0 +
400 | 8.0



250 | N/A * +
250 | N/A * +
500 | N/A *

200 | N/A * 500 | N/A * (2 Hits) 400 | 6.0

500 | N/A * +
500 | N/A *

500 | N/A * +
500 | N/A * ?
400 | N/A *



300 | 5.0 300 | 5.0 600 | 10.0 (2 Hits) 300 | 6.0 600 | N/A ? ***

400 | 8.0 +
400 | 8.0


Symbol followed by Explanation

Symbol Explanation
+ Segments Are Seperated By The "+" Symbol.
During The Cool Down Of Mace Windu's Dash Attack, Standard 3 Can Be Executed By Using The Key Input Of Standard 1
Only The First Segment Of Anakin Skywalker/Obi Wan Kenobi's And General Grievous' Full Dash Attack Possess Block Attributes
? This Attack Is Cumulative; If An Earlier Segment Does Not Hit, That Damage And Push Will Carry Over Into Later Segments
? Anakin Skywalker And Obi Wan Kenobi's Only Differences Are Their Faction And Character Models, Which Does Not Affect Their Hurt Box
? Similar To Standard 1, When A Dash Attack Only Completes Its First Segment Using The Standard Dash Attack Input, The Dash Attack Which Requires The Key Input Of Standard 2 While Holding W And Shift Keys Or After Double Tapping W Key
? Before Beginning Ki Adi Mundi's Dash Attack's Second Segment/Cool Down, Left-Clicking Will Cause The Dash Attack To Begin Its First Segment, Using The Stamina Resource For Each Additional First Segment Until Stamina Is No Longer Available, At Which Point The Attack Will Enter Its Second Segment Normally
? This Aerial Attack's Hit Box Does Not Begin Until Landing On A Terrain Feature (The Hit Box Reaches Vertically And Horizontally)
? Two Saber Tips Have Near Identical (~.3 of a second) Attack Timings, And, As Such, Will Be Considered Simultaneous
t Darth Maul Has An Alternate 3 Attack That Is Executed By Holding Down The Third Left-Click: (2 Simultaneous Hits **) 300 | 10.0
* This Attack Has No Push
** Two Saber Tips Have Identical Attack Timings, And, As Such, Are Simultaneous (Only General Grievous, Aayla Secura, And Darth Maul Possess Multiple Saber Tips)
*** This Aerial Attack Is Treated Like An Explosive, And Is Not Affected By Block, Possesses Dwindling Damage In Proportion To Distance (Mace Windu More So Than Emperor)
**** The Backslash Input Causes General Grievous To Standard 1 And Move Backward Instead Of Executing Backslash

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