Player and Clan Search

Here, you can search for a specific player or clan.
Player/Clan Search
To search for a player or clan, enter their swbf2 player name, clan tag, or part of their name.
Type in a players name (or portion of their name), and the results will bring up all players having the searched text in their name.
You can search for a clan by entering their clan tag (ie: [JJB] ). All player names who've played with that tag will show in the results.
Stats for specific modes, factions, maps or servers can be found on the Main Leaderboards page.
Our Star Wars Battlefront 2 Classic server records extend to the beginning of the Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Classic) game when server statistic logging was enabled and until Gamespy was shut down (2005-2014). This search database is a collection of 'publicly' contributing servers during that time.
Servers with 'Private' linked leaderboards are not included in the displayed stats of this search and are only accessible through their private leaderboard page (w/password).
Some History
A player could track their own stats for bragging rights. Individual search page results were urls that update as new "statistic.csv" files are uploaded into our database and these pages could easily be bookmarked.
If [JJB]JarJar came looking for their online playing statistics and rankings, JarJar could enter their name in the search form, they could then save the url as a bookmark for their own updated rankings. When [JJB]JarJar plays on a server that has a leaderboard listed here, the player could visit their bookmark to see their updated statistics across all the servers they played on (once those SWBF2 server admins uploaded their "statistics.csv" files).
Individual groups, gaming clans, and teams could track their own players. If [JJB]JarJar was the leader of their gaming group, they could search for their individual players or just search their gaming Tag [JJB] to see statistics for their entire group listed by player using that gaming tag [JJB].
After searching in the form, groups could save the url as a bookmark the same as a player can. These urls were easily bookmarked and could be linked pages for bragging rights on their own group's website.
Bookmarking is no longer allowed with session tokens.