Contact Error

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There has been an error while processing your contact email. There could be several reasons for this as outlined below.

reCaptcha Token

You failed the reCaptcha v3. This is the most common reason for this contact email error. uses reCaptcha v3. The recaptcha v3 is invisible while it works in the background deciding if you're a bot or not. There is no reCaptcha puzzle to solve as you would see with reCaptcha v2.

When you submit the form from the Contact Page, our contact form sends a reCaptcha token to Google verification servers for response determination. This does not mean you were determined to be a bot (although it could mean that). If you receive a passing grade, the contact form should process and send an email to administration. If there is a failing grade or there was no token, you end up here.

Servers were Down. Another cause could be there was no recaptcha determination because google reCaptcha verification servers were down OR our backend SWBF2stats server was down and you can just try again later.

Maybe you DID get a failing grade from the reCaptcha v3. If you arrived on our SWBF2stats Contact page cold (from another part of the internet), and immediately sent a contact form, then this is sometimes determined to be bot behavior. There simply isn't enough information to determine if you're a bot and your reCaptcha response grade is lower because of it. Going to our Home Page and then the Contact Page may solve this problem.

Invalid or Missing Information

If your contact form has invalid information, then you could also end up here on this error page. The Contact form should allow for legitimate information, meaning the email address field must have an email address. Invalid contact information in the form will land you on this page.

The droid box was not checked. uses the droid check box to verify that a human is indeed filling out the form. If it is left unchecked, you will land here. Please go back and fill out the form making sure the Droid Check box is checked.

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