About Us
SWBF2stats.net collects game statistics exclusively for the game "Star Wars Battlefront II (Classic)". Our archived leaderboards run between the years of 2005-2014.
Star Wars Battlefront 2 wasn't called "Classic" back then and SWBF2 was THE GAME to have for a "First/Third Person Shooter" if you were a Star Wars fan. Multiplayer gameplay was possible and online servers were ABSOLUTELY packed.
SWBF2stats.net collected online server data for both the PC and Playstation 2 platforms of SWBF2 (Classic) and we provided leaderboards for any server admin or SWBF2 community that signed up for our service. Leaderboards were based on platform, game type, factions, maps and individual player statistics (kills, deaths, score, K/D ratio) with filters for sorting your stats.
Our website is not current to Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Classic) multiplayer gameplay that is happening publicly online today. This website is an archive. Essentially, our website is now a leaderboard database for the SWBF2 (Classic) gaming community to search through.
When Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Classic) was originally released, it was a highly anticipated game because the previous Star Wars Battlefront (SWBF) game was so popular.
Initially the sequel, SWBF2, had multiplayer issues and lost some popularity from the initial release but eventually these issues were cleaned up with multiplayer online gameplay raging for quite some time. The SWBF2 (Classic) Server Manager made creating online servers easy for the SWBF2 community outside of the game through an online server manager.
SWBF2stats.net begins
SWBF2stats.net started providing statistics through our leaderboards in 2005 through 2014 (and continues today). A log file called "statistics.csv" was created in the SWBF2 (Classic) server folder if an SWBF2 admin had "autocsvlogging" enabled or had the setting configured to "1" in the ServerSettings.cfg file for the SWBF2 Server Manager. This "statistics.csv" file is essentially the leaderboard rankings for each player in the session(s).
Normally, you would see these rankings at the end of every map if you were playing Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Classic) multiplayer. Examining the "statistics.csv" file, shows you the map, the ranking of the players for that map that played during that session, kills, deaths, score, alias, player, encrypted online (hash) and more. All this data was time-stamped and nicely layered chronologically in the ""statistics.csv"" file.
Once you know the format of the "statistic.csv" file, leaderboards could be created in a spreadsheet to sum up scores or mathematically calculate the KDR (kill death ratio) of players and even more statistics accumulatively over time.
The "statistics.csv" file represented everything that happened on the server for a particular map during that gameplay session so that the SWBF2 (Classic) game could display these statistics to all the players after the map was played. This file was the "Award" or "Leaderboard" page before rotating to the next map in the server rotation.
More about SWBF2stats.net and our story on the History page and our FAQ page.
While our site is mostly an archive today, SWBF2 (Classic) community server admins can still submit their online server "statistics.csv" file generated from their SWBF2 (Classic) Server Manager if they still have the files. We add the statistics to our online database to display as a leaderboard for communities, SWBF2 (Classic) admins or website visitors.
Thank you to all the contributing SWBF2 (Classic) communities, admins and players that have made (and make) this website possible. It was an incredible resource to the entire community because of you and it will continue to be an archive to remember the great times we all had playing this AWESOME multiplayer game online 2005-2014.
Through the years, there have been several people who should be credited for the creation, maintenance, updating and addition of resources here at SWBF2stats.net. These people have made their contributions for their LOVE of the SWBF2 (Classic) community and game. They should be acknowledged for their contributions and they have the thanks of the entire SWBF2 (Classic) community. They are listed below.
Original Concept: [SL] gaming clan - was the initial community to get things rolling with the website setup and testing back in 2005.
[SL] Toadmuffin took the lead with the original coding for the original website layout (HTML, CSS, and MySQL) and retired shortly after his initial contribution.
[SL] DarthMarbury created the original graphics for the website and retired shortly after his initial contribution. If you look around, his original graphics are still used within the site in certain areas.
[SL] Sprite took over the SWBF2stats.net project in 2006. She introduced new code (syntax, HTML, MySqli, PHP), maintained SWBF2stats.net and the database for ongoing issues. Lead Admin for [SL] game servers and ghost admin for several other SWBF2 (Classic) communities. She was invaluable with her help and support for other communities setting up leaderboards. Sprite did the testing and design of the current updated website.
Carpeltunnal is responsible for the "ESSENTIAL" resource that multiplayer admins needed to administer their SWBF2 (Classic) servers remotely with the Battlefront II Server Admin Doc. While not used anymore, this was available here for download at the website whenever a member of the SWBF2 community needed it (which was often).
-)G(- Mawk generously provided his H/V Guides to SWBF2stats.net for the SWBF2 Hero/Villain Community. This reference was incredibly valuable to the study and mastery of the Hero/Villain Elimination mode of the game.
iOn meticulously did the research and testing for his H/V Damage Chart. He also generously provided this valuable resource to SWBF2stats.net for the Hero/Villain Community in furtherance of casual and competitive gameplay.
~FL~Triphamm3r repaired the database, replaced/corrected/updated database queries, new code (syntax and CSS3, MySQLi, PDO, PHP, Javascript, HTML), security for bots, server setup, maintenance, firewall, hosting, mobile views, and updated site graphics. Discord: triphamm3r