SWBF2stats.net: About Us
SWBF2stats.net collects game statistics exclusively for the game "Star Wars Battlefront II (Classic)". Our archived leaderboards run between the years of 2006-2014.
Star Wars Battlefront 2 wasn't called "Classic" back then and SWBF2 was THE GAME to have for a "First/Third Person Shooter" if you were a Star Wars fan. Multiplayer gameplay was possible and online servers were ABSOLUTELY packed.
SWBF2stats.net collected online server data for both the PC and Playstation 2 platforms of SWBF2 (Classic) and we provided leaderboards for any server admin or SWBF2 community that signed up for our service. Leaderboards were based on platform, game type, factions, maps and individual player statistics (kills, deaths, score, K/D ratio) with filters for sorting your stats.
Our website is not current to Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Classic) multiplayer gameplay that is happening publicly online today. This website is an archive. Essentially, our website is now a leaderboard database for the SWBF2 (Classic) gaming community to search through.
Some History
When Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Classic) was originally released, it was a highly anticipated game because the previous Star Wars Battlefront (SWBF) game was so popular. Initially the sequel, SWBF2, had multiplayer issues and lost some steam from initial release but eventually these issues were cleaned up with multiplayer online gameplay raging for quite some time. The SWBF2 (Classic) Server Manager made creating online servers easy for the SWBF2 community outside of the game through an online server manager.
SWBF2stats.net begins
SWBF2stats.net started providing statistics through our leaderboards in 2006 and continued on through 2014. A log file called "statistics.csv" was created in the server folder if an SWBF2 admin had "autocsvlogging" enabled or had the setting set to "1" in the ServerSettings.cfg file for the SWBF2 Server Manager. This "statistics.csv" file is essentially the leaderboard rankings for each player in the session(s).
Normally, you would see these rankings at the end of every map if you were playing Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Classic) multiplayer. Examining the "statistics.csv" file, shows you the map, the ranking of the players for that map that played during that session, kills, deaths, score, alias, player, encrypted online (hash) and more. All this data was time-stamped and nicely layered chronologically in the statistics. csv file.
Once you know the format of the "statistic.csv" file, leaderboards could be created in a spreadsheet to sum up scores or mathematically calculate the KDR (kill death ratio) of players and even more stats accumulatively over time. The "statistics.csv" file represented everything that happened on the server for that map during that gameplay session so that the SWBF2 game could display these statistics to all the players after the map was played. This file was the "Award" or "Leaderboard" page before rotating to the next map in the server rotation.
SWBF2stats.net Steps Up
SWBF2stats.net kept track of these statistics files for the Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Classic) community. This included SWBF2 player's statistics and rankings across all the servers that submitted their statistic.csv file to our website for rankings. Today, most online video games have their own online leaderboards for multiplayer gameplay. Either the game manufacturers have the leaderboards "in game" or at their own game website.
In 2005, leaderboards for video games were third party only for an online game. That could and would only happen if the game somehow allowed for it (like a log file), AND a third party person or community decided to keep track of these statistics for the community with a website.
SWBF2stats.net ARE the SWBF2 community members who ultimately stepped up and became the third party to set up this website for those "statistic.csv" files. As a third party, our website SWBF2stats.net, was not and is not associated with Lucas Arts, Pandemic or Electronic Arts. We are just online Star War Battlefront 2 (Classic) game community members that had the ability, means and desire to put this kind of leaderboard service online for the entire SWBF2 (Classic) online community at the time.
SWBF2 Leaderboards and Server Admin Tools
There was a strong competitive edge to our community and these leaderboards helped us hold bragging rights for all players through the entire SWBF2 (Classic) community from 2006-2014. The tools we also provided to the community through this website would help manage the trolls that could play as any alias name they wanted online.
True Love and a REAL Contribution to the SWBF2 Community
SWBF2stats.net has NEVER charged for this service and we have never asked for donations for doing this service. We truly did this for the love of the SWBF2 (Classic) game and community. We were the ONLY website providing this service for the Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Classic) community, and we remain the only record of real time server rankings and online player statistics for the Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Classic) game from 2006-2014.
We provided this service for free on both the PC and Playstation 2 versions of the Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Classic) game and we hold server and player rankings for both of these platforms for that time period. If you wanted your own Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Classic) server on Playstation 2, the SWBF2 server was setup on PC the same way as a PC server would be and a Playstation 2 server produced the same "statistics.csv" file. That meant we could provide the same service for Playstation 2 that we were providing for PC... and we did.
Some Bumps in the Road
Initially, for about 6 years, the whole system with the "statistics.csv" file and SWBF2 server admins uploading their files worked great. No real issues. However, with time comes new players, new admins and new attitudes. Some bad behavior started creeping in to the community and we had to start verifying not only server details but the file that was uploaded to us from the server admins. Some players and SWBF2 server admins were trying to exploit the system here and we had to put in place checks for rankings, player statistics, and then mod maps. More information on our "Report an Issue" page.
As time passed, SWBF2 (Classic) server admins that could jump through the hoops to supply leaderboards and statistics for their server started to thin out and server uploads of the "statistics.csv" file became a select dedicated few for SWBF2 PC online and then down to only one server for SWBF2 Playstation 2 statistics.
A Turn for the Worst
GameSpy Technology then scheduled a shut-down for Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Classic) server listing for May 31, 2014. Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Classic) was using the GameSpy service at the time for listing all of the servers in the SWBF2 game itself. If there's no server listing, then you can't join a server, and there was a danger of no online playing for anyone in the SWBF2 community. This was a BIG deal for all of us in the SWBF2 online community. This interruption included the platforms of PC, PS2, and Xbox versions of the Star Battlefront 2 (Classic) game.
Electronic Arts announced it would extend support for Star Wars Battlefront II (Classic) until June 30, 2014 but this extended support actually ended July 25, 2014 (Cheers! to EA). The Windows version of the Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Classic) game was added to a list of supported games on GameRanger on May 31, 2014, which allowed for continued online play for the SWBF2 (Classic) community. Cheers! to them as well.
Finally an Update
On October 2, 2017, multiplayer for the Windows version was enabled through Steam with an update to the Star Wars Battlefront 2 (classic) game with multiplayer enabled servers in game without any access to a "statistics.csv" file. If there's no access to the "statistics.csv" file, SWBF2stats.net can't' provide a service based on that file, and our service can't exist.
SWBF2stats Continues
Even though the leaderboard service for "live" SWBF2 (Classic) multiplayer ends, the leaderboards here are still available to look at. The leaderboards were current and they included any server that wanted them for their community. Our website is NOT a reflection of all the SWBF2 servers that were online. There are plenty SWBF2 servers that didn't have leaderboards. There were communities that didn't know they could get leaderboards for their server through us. There were server hosting companies that refused to give FTP access to SWBF2 server admins. Having SWBF2 leaderboards meant having an active and engaged admin for file uploading and monitoring of issues. Some players and admins in the community just wanted to PLAY the game and not record keep. Ourselves included.
That being said, many players and individual communities DID want to see their leaderboards. They did want bragging rights over the online SWBF2 community and they jumped through the extra hoops needed to get the leaderboards for their respective communities (CHEERS! to all of them!).
SWBF2stats.net Website Downtime
Through the years, the site and its search tools have always been up and available to contributing SWBF2 server admins. Even when the website wasn't available publicly, server admins that were contributing to our data and website here, were given "back-door" access to use our online search tools.
Our website has had some sporadic down time. There's been some updates over the years for PHP, database queries and our web hosting structure. This has caused the SWBF2stats.net website to be held in a Maintenance mode while the issues were addressed. This may continue for the upcoming future to insure the archives here remain secure and are viewable.
Whether you Knew it or not
Some SWBF2 communities held leaderboards here for eight years. These were some of the most popular SWBF2 servers at the time for the Star Wars Battlefront 2 gaming community online. Odds are in favor, that if you played the Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Classic) game between the years 2006 and 2014, you played on some servers that were keeping leaderboards with us (whether you knew it or not). All players can search for themselves from our Player's Search Page.
These leaderboards and archives should come back online and be viewable as the site is updated for mobile functionality and modern code with privacy compliance. Keep a look out and come back soon.
More about SWBF2stats.net and our story on the FAQ page.
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