Welcome to SWBF2 Statistics
Our website is a collection of online playing statistics exclusively for the online multiplayer game "Star Wars Battlefront II (Classic)" between the years 2005-2014. We provide leaderboards and also competitive resource guides for the SWBF2 (Classic) community.
Our Leaderboard statistics are based on community, game type, factions, maps, servers and individual player's' statistics (kills, deaths, total score, K/D ratio, etc).
If you played SWBF2 (Classic) between 2005-2014 and you played on a community server contributing statistic files to our website, you can use our Search form tool to find your SWBF2 (classic) alias name with your online playing statistics as linked through your SWBF2 (Classic) Battlefront 2 keyhash. Your player name and truncated keyhash are checked against our database of contributing servers that have submitted their leaderboard stats from online playing of the game in order to display as a leaderboard for the visitor.
This is a FREE service. Any and all Star Wars Battlefront II (Classic) server administrators are welcome to join the leaderboards and submit their server stats. Server stats are added to our global stats database and also sorted for server admins to have their own leaderboards based on their own server's stats and players. Participating server admins may choose to have their leaderboard stats listed publicly on our website or have them listed via a private link only viewable to those with the link (your own community members).
Updates (2024)
This website has recently been updated. We've repaired the database, updated the website layout design, and added some specific leaderboards and functions for communities wishing to see their SWBF2 (Classic) leaderboards online for posterity. The website has also been updated for mobile viewing and better readability overall.
As a measure against online bots, we've added Google reCaptcha v3 for all input forms (search, contact, etc). The v3 reCaptcha operates in the background and is invisible to the normal visitor. Check out our Privacy page for more information regarding Google services and privacy concerns.
Cookies and Session Tokens
We've updated the leaderboards for cookies and session tokens in your browser as another measure against bots. You need to enable cookies for our website to be able to view any leaderboards. If you haven't accepted cookies for the website and you'd like to view the leaderboards then Darth Granny should be handing them out with each page load. Simply accept cookies and you should be good to go for 30 days.
Session tokens are good for about 10 minutes and then will expire. If a session expires, you need to then visit a page where session tokens are refreshed or replaced with new tokens (ie: Player Search or the main Leaderboard List page.).
Session tokens are refreshed with each leaderboard page viewed as well. This means as long as you're browsing leaderboards, you should have a new session token with each leaderboard page you visit. Essentially 10 minutes to view that leaderboard page, and then the next leaderboard gets another 10 minutes when visited. This should continue as you browse.
Unfortunately, session tokens will not allow for bookmarking.
Player and Keyhash Search
The individual player leaderboards have been updated to include aggregated stats across all contributing servers in our database and the keyhash search page has been removed from the website altogether. There really aren't any server admins looking for keyhashes anymore as shown from the SWBF2 (Classic) server manager so we've dropped the keyhash search page.
Instead, visitors can search for a player and then a truncated keyhash link is provided that will link to a keyhash leaderboard page. The server manager has a 32 digit hash to identify players. For our purposes and for privacy concerns, we only need 10 digits of the keyhash and we only display 10 digits of that keyhash.
The keyhash leaderboard is giving the collective stats of that keyhash to include ALL the player names that keyhash has used while playing across all contributing servers in our database. This is a more accurate depiction of a player's statistics.
The PLAYER leaderboard page will only show you the statistics of that player name using that keyhash and is a small indication of player statistics because it's more specific to just that player's' name using that keyhash. The KEYHASH leaderboard page will show ALL player names used by that keyhash collectively as one leaderboard.
The player search has been updated to include a reCaptcha v3 (invisible) for the form, but will now give you a NEW results page with a list of all players that match the string entered into the form and then links to each player if desired. This gives a player search result and a clan search by string.
A player looking for the clan [JJB], need only to enter that string into the form and the results will show all players in the clan or group [JJB] along with a truncated keyhash link for each result.
More on the Keyhash can be found on the keyhash page.
Leaderboards Added and Updated
We've added a Main Leaderboards page. This page list includes both platforms (PC and Playstation 2), both eras (GCW and CW), all modes (conquest, hero/villains, space, etc.), all factions (Rebels, Empire, CIS, etc.), all maps (Original and Mod maps), and most servers that contributed to our database. The page is a collective list of ALL leaderboards for quicker navigation to the statistics you would like to see.
Visitors will also notice that we've added sorted individual leaderboards for each map that we have in the database. These are further divided into Original Game Maps and Mod maps for the SWBF2 (Classic) game.
We've also added an individual page lists for each mode of the game. Players can access these new pages for quicker access to what they are looking for, including: Conquest, Heroes/Villains, Space, Capture the Flag, and Hunt modes. These new pages include overall listing of the mode along with individual paginated leaderboards for Total Score, Kill/Death Ratio, Average Score per Round and Skill rating. On each list page, we've included a list of leaderboards for any MAP that may have run with those game modes.
How may we direct you?
Overall player and server standings for all of our listed leaderboards can be filtered for better and more specific results.
SWBF2 (Classic) Players can use our Player Search tool to look up the overall playing statistics of a particular player or clan.
Mawk's Hero and Villains Guides along with iOn's SWBF2 HV Damage Chart.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments... please use the Contact form for all correspondence.
For more information on our SWBF2stats.net check out our about, FAQ, and history pages.